Kata Studios

147 days ago

1.8 update is out! https://steamcommunity.com/games/2454040/announcements/detail/4691151273084159331 Get your colored arrows here!
244 days ago

1.7 Update out today! https://steamcommunity.com/games/2454040/announcements/detail/4203628368722905031 Main features are: soft leaves, new level, and better graphics and performance!
600 days ago

Bit of a late update but the game is out now! Also has it's first update already!
606 days ago

Little bit of a delay on release for Floppy Cat Bow Golf! Stuck in a bit of a catch-22 where some of the multiplayer features won't work until the game is officially released, but the Steam review process is blocking release because they aren't able to test all the multiplayer features. Fun :(
618 days ago

New Trailer! https://youtu.be/9ojGafYuhdA Let me know what you think!
619 days ago

Floppy Cat Bow Golf! is on Steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2454040/Floppy_Cat_Bow_Golf/ Wishlist it today! https://cdn.cloudflare.steamstatic.com/steam/apps/2454040/ss_f8b77198ed3835379d154ed186ef79e628cac536.1920x1080.jpg Also join our discord!: https://discord.gg/mpEjGVXu
632 days ago

Been a long time since my last update. Well it obviously turns out that it takes a long time to build a game when you also build the underlying engine from scratch and then decide to also build a whole-ass scripting language from scratch, but I'm getting there! KataScript is working great and you can even demo it in your browser: https://brwhale.github.io/KataScript/ !!! Kata Engine is progressing very smoothly as well! I just spent a couple weeks really squishing all the bugs out of the multiplayer code, and as a celebration of progress I've made a small game! Which I'll share once the steam page review is done!! As for progress on Floppy Cat Adventures, it's a big game. I've written out most of the dialogue, but there's still a lot of quest work to finish and I need to optimize a lot for weaker pcs. At this point I'm shooting for a release sometime this year.
1090 days ago

There were a lot of bots clogging up the account creation, so I cleared most of the user accounts and added some basic bot detection. It's possible I deleted some legit user accounts though. You may want to try re-registering your account if you want to make sure you are actually subscribed to email updates.
1092 days ago

https://store.steampowered.com/app/1898010/Floppy_Cat_Adventures/ We're on Steam!